Project Ownership & Location
Greentech and its 100% owned subsidiary Millungera Energy Minerals Pty Ltd (MEM) hold five granted tenements comprising one Mining Lease (ML 100124) and four Exploration Permits for Minerals (EPM 19373, EPM 25894, EPM 26051, and EPM 27457) with a total area of 651km2, centred approximately 25 km west-northwest of Mount Isa in northwest Queensland. The Tenements are prospective for quartz mineralisation amenable to the production of HPQ and for other commodities including copper, gold, cobalt, vanadium and phosphate. Both EPM 19373 and EPM 25894 were originally granted to parties other than Greentech. EPM 19373 was transferred to Greentech in September 2017 as part of a joint venture agreement with Nova Strategic Minerals Pty Ltd (Nova). In October 2016, Greentech acquired 100% of MEM, which held EPM 25894. EPM 26051, EPM 27457, and ML 100124; and these tenements (with the exception of EPM 25894 which is still held by MEM) were granted directly to Greentech. ML 100124 is granted for the purpose of mining quartz/quartzite/silica and each of the four EPMs are granted for exploration of all minerals other than coal.
In January 2018, MEM entered into a Farm-In Agreement with Multimines Pty Ltd (Multimines) in which Multimines could earn a 20% interest in EPM 25894 for all minerals other than quartz through
a minimum expenditure of AUD $65,000 and a maximum expenditure of AUD $100,000 within six months of the start of the agreement. Multimines met this expenditure requirement and now holds a 20% interest in EPM 25894 for minerals other than quartz. Future exploration for minerals other than quartz on EPM 25894 will be funded pro rata by each party.
The following maps show the location of Greentech Tenements and granted Mining Lease Area
The following table is an extract from the Prospectus;